Ryu Infiniti Default replied

511 weeks ago

Tracker: http://thehunt.tk/session/SkyHaven

B Rank Windows (Timed Spawn Only)
30 Minutes-1 hour following a kill
Open immediately following a maintenance

A Rank Windows (Timed Spawn Only)
3-5 Hours following a kill
1-3 hours following a maintenance

S Rank Windows (Time Elapsed and Condition Fulfilled)
36-48 hours following a kill
24-36 hours following a maintenance

La Noscea
Western La Noscea - Bonnacon
Botany Required: ~408 Gathering - La Noscean Leek (Node: 8:00AM ET)

Middle La Noscea - Croque-Mitaine
Mining Required: ~370 Gathering - Grade 3 La Noscean Soil (Node: 9:00 PM ET)

Eastern La Noscea - Garlok
Flame arrow in lair, chance to spawn after heavy rain (showers)

Lower La Noscea - Croakadile
Pops between 6:00-8:00 PM ET during a Full Moon

Upper La Noscea - Nandi
Walk on the stone pathway with a minion out (10+ Players)

Outer La Noscea - Mahisha
Die repeatedly (deaths required is unknown)

The Shroud
Central Shroud - Laideronnette
Can spawn after it rains twice in a row

East Shroud - Wulgaru
Complete specific FATEs (required FATEs unknown)

South Shroud - Mindflayer
Chance to spawn during the night of a New Moon

North Shroud - Thousand-cast Theda
Fishing Required: ~330+ Gathering - Judgeray (5:00-9:00 PM ET)

Western Thanalan - Zona Seeker
Fishing Required: ~300+ Gathering - Glimmer Scale during Clear/Fair Weather

Central Thanalan - Brontes
Craft and eat Marmot Steak (Unconfirmed)

Eastern Thanalan - Lampalagua
Complete Battlecraft Leves (number required is unknown)

Southen Thanalan - Nunyunuwi
Complete a large number of FATEs

Northern Thanalan - Minhocao
Gather a very large number of cores in Core Blimey

Coerthas - Safat
Fall from heights to 1HP (number of falls unknown)

Mor Dhona - Agrippa
Dig up Treasure Maps (unknown if a specific map is required)

last edited 510 weeks ago by Ryu Infiniti
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